徐钟教授,1967年毕业于上海外贸学院英语专业。1985-86 年在美国杨伯翰大学任访问学者,进修语言学; 1996 年 1-8 月在美国纽约市立大学任高级访问学者。1983年起任沈阳师范大学外语系副主任,后任系主任。曾任辽宁省翻译家协会副主席、辽宁省高校外语教育研究会常务理事、沈阳市科技外文协会常务理事、副秘书长。1988年起执教于上海大学。1992年起任上海大学英语教授。曾任上海大学外国语学院主持工作的副院长、英语学科带头人、英语硕士生导师、上海大学学位委员会委员、学术委员会委员、高级职称评审委员会委员;同时也是国家级文科科研项目通讯评审专家。现任上海大学老教授协会副理事长。
ProfessorXu Zhong was graduated from Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade ( now referredto as Shanghai University of International Business & Economics) in 1967.From the year of 1985 to 1986, he was a visiting scholar in Brigham Young University, U.S.A.,majoring in linguistics. From January to August of 1996, he was a seniorvisiting scholar in City University of New York, U.S.A. From 1983, he wasAssociate Dean of Department of Foreign Languages Shenyang Normal Universityand later the Dean. His concurrent posts included “Vice Chairman ofTranslators’ Association, LiaoningProvince, Managing Director of College ForeignLanguage Education Research Society, LiaoningProvince, Managing Director and DeputySecretary General of Association of Foreign Language & Science &Technology, ShenyangCity. From 1988, he beganto teach in ShanghaiUniversity and from 1992,he has been Full Professor of English. He was Associate Dean of the College ofForeign Languages, Shanghai University, being in charge of the work of theCollege, leader of English Discipline, supervisor of English M.A. candidates,member of Academic Degree Committee, Member of Academic Board, Member of SeniorProfessional Titles Evaluation Committee, Shanghai University and Review Expertthrough Correspondence for the Research Projects of Liberal Arts at theNational Level. Now he is Vice President of Senior Professor Association, ShanghaiUniversity.