ProfessorZhu Shichang was graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages, Fu DanUniversity. He attended “Fulbright Program” at Shanghai Foreign LanguageInstitute (now known as Shanghai International Studies University) fromSeptember of 1982 to July of 1983, which was jointly sponsored by China &U.S.A.,”Teacher Assistant TrainingProgram for Tertiary Schools in East China Region”, which was jointly run byChina & U.K. at Shanghai Jiao Tong University from September of 1985 toJuly, 1986, and studied in the Department of Linguistics, University of Sydney,Australia from April, 1988 to March, 1990 and was conferred M. A. Degree there.From1997 he has been FullProfessor of English. He was Associate Dean of the Department of ForeignLanguages, EastChinaUniversityof Science & Technology and Head of Supervisor Group for M.A. Program, Deanof the Department of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Institute of Technology,Director of Department of International Cooperation, Shanghai Institute ofTechnology. Currently, he is Vice President & Dean of English Department ofShanghai Industry & Commerce Foreign Language College and Director ofShanghai Foreign Language Association. He won the award of “Special Allowanceby State Council (China’sCabinet), “Shanghai Outstanding Educator” and “Bao Steel Excellent TeacherAward”. In July, 2012, Both Royal Road University and Thompson Rivers University,Canada awarded him Brass Plate in recognizing his outstanding contribution topromoting the international cooperation among Sino-Canadian institutions ofhigher learning. He published over 30 papers and compiled 6 textbooks. Hisfield of research lies in “Systemic Functional Linguistics, Discourse Analysis,Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication”. He has been teaching the coursesof “Advanced English Reading, Advanced English Writing, Advanced BilingualInterpretation, Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Stylistics, Inter-culturalCommunication” and has been well received by his students.