姓名: 申洪波 职称:讲师 职务:英语系学管主任 学历: 硕士研究生 毕业院校: 上海大学 获得奖项:2014年1月荣获学院第三届优秀教学奖三等奖 2012年荣获“优秀红旗分团委书记”称号 2011学年经考核被评为优秀教师 发表论文:发表论文两篇 Name: Shen Hongbo, Lecturer Administrative Post: Deputy Dean of EnglishDepartment in charge of Students’ Affairs Educational Background: M.A. Degree, ShanghaiUniversity Awards: The Third Prize for SICFL Teaching Contest in2014 Outstanding Secretary of Branch LeagueCommittee in 2012 Teacher of the Year in 2011 Publications: TwoArticles Published